This place is for selling and sharing your writings.

Whether it is a novel, and essay on literature or a quantum physics article, a comic book or stripe, a photo book or a musical work, this store is for independent authors who want to publish their work, for sale purposes or just for sharing, even for simple online posting without enabling the download.

We accept both paperback or electronic format.

If you want to publish your own writing you can either: 1) send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your personal information and directly attach the work or part ofd the work you want to submit for evaluation; or 2) contact us filling in the form "Application for Publishing" following the link below,. You need to be logged in to be able to show it, otherwise you can just contact us with the "General Request" form that doesn't allow file attachments. Please send us at least an extract of the work or a link to visualize information about the work if it's on paperback (not electronic anyway) or already published elsewhere.

Every work must be approved for publishing by Lyra.


Submit your Work or Contact Us


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